Nina Droff, edited by Yanis Darras 2:34 p.m., November 22, 2022

Retired people, students, fathers and mothers of families: at the Restos du Cœur, the volunteers are worried about seeing ever more diverse profiles needing help to feed themselves.

In Paris, this diversity is obvious to volunteers, even as the association prepares to deliver a record number of meals this year.

The 38th Restos du Cœur campaign, launched on Monday, should break a sad record this year: that of the number of meals distributed.

For this 2022 edition, the association expects a 12% increase in beneficiaries compared to last year.

Proof of this is that the center of the 14th arrondissement of Paris is stormed every morning.

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Diversification of profiles

As soon as it opens at 10 a.m., a long queue is created.

"We started the registration campaign in mid-October, and we already have 860 families registered. So I think the number of beneficiaries will explode" this year, alarmed Astrid Tulippe, the director of Restos du Cœur du 14th district. 

Compared to the same period in 2021, the center now has 200 additional registrants, "because of unemployment or even inflation", she explains.

“We see a lot of families, a few students, elderly people who have a small pension and poor workers”, underlines the director, who is worried to see ever more varied profiles, a sign that poverty is progressing in France.

"We have to tighten the belt"

"It's getting harder and harder," confides to the microphone of Europe 1, Myriam.

The young retiree had stopped coming to Restos du Coeur years ago.

But inflation this year left him no choice.

"Everything is expensive. Before, a bottle of oil cost 1.50 euros, now it's 3 euros. Vegetables have also increased. It's incredible, we have to tighten our belts", is alarmed. she.

And Myriam will not be the only one going to Restos du Coeur this year.

This winter alone, the association plans to serve 140 million hot meals in total.